Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Adopting a child for many is a dream come true, but sometimes it can be a hard story when a child is old enough to understand they were brought into the world by someone else. "Tummy Mommy Heart Mommy" captures in simple language and illustrations the amazing love it takes for both someone to give up their child and someone to want to be able to give that same child a good and happy life. This beautiful story was written by an adoptive Mom with the help of her son and truly comes from the bond they have created and the continuing acknowledgement of the woman who brought them together.

Great story by Jennifer Kramer (with help from Isaiah) and illustrated by Adrea Gibbs

Friday, May 1, 2015


It's HERE!  ANIMALS ALPHABET is now available at Smashwords.  Great early reader, fun for storytime, and filled with tongue twisters.  Check it out.

LUNCH MONEY, a story about bullying

LUNCH MONEY, about elementary school bullying, is now available at SMASHWORDS and AMAZON KDP.  Based on the personal experience of author Eric Andrist, this little story packs quite a punch to get the message about bullying across.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

It's HERE! ANIMALS ALPHABET at Smashwords!

It's HERE!  ANIMALS ALPHABET at Smashwords.  Great early reader, perfect for storytime, and fun for tongue twister enthusiasts.  Check it out.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Hi, everyone.  Keep your eyes peeled.  Some fun news will be posted shortly.  In the meantime, remember to check out  I have some new designs up and will be posting them here, as well!  MORE SOON!

Monday, September 3, 2012

ALLISON & THE FROG An Alriginal at CafePress
My sister-in-law asked me some years ago if I could illustrate a story a friend had written for her daughter. The result were some really fun fairy tale pics that helped to bring her wonderful story to life.  I am working on illustrating two more stories for friends...I am so eager to get them done,  Sometimes there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to be creative!  I could sure use 25!
YELLOW BABY KITTY An Alriginal at CafePress
I just found out that one of the nicest couples I know is going to have a baby.  You know, that kid is really going to have a great time growing up.  Congratulations!  I am so happy for you.